Thursday, 24 March 2011

Evaluation Task 5

How did you attract/address your audience?    

Front Cover:
On my front cover I have done many things to appeal to the audience as the cover is what they will first see even before they buy it.

-Title: the title of 'Snare' should hopefully appeal to rock music fans because they will understand the meaning and it's relation to drums and their preferred genre.
-Masthead: the masthead will also appeal and attract because the font is distressed which is a preferred  feature of rock magazines. It is written in a huge bold size and is quite a dark yet still eye catching colour both of which will really catch the eye and draw in the audience.

-Cover lines: the cover lines I have included will appeal because the existing bands I have mentioned are popular and will hopefully draw buyers in as they will see the names of the bands they like and instantly want to know more about why their featured in the magazine and what they can find out about them. Also the main cover line will attract the reader as not only is it larger but as the band is supposedly very new they will be more popular and interesting so the audience will see it as more of an exclusive and be inclined to read on.

-Plug: offering something free with magazine with attract an audience because a free gift is quite desirable, especially if it relates to something your interested in such as rock music. So giving away a CD with free music will really attract the dedicated rock target audience.
-Image: the image I have used fills the page which is generally pretty eye catching. The model has bright dyed hair and is wearing dark clothes, both typically associated with rock, which will attract the target audience of rock fans. Finally the model is looking out of the page almost at the reader which appeals because the reader will feel as they are being specifically address.

-Band's featured: the famous bands featured will again appeal to the target audience as they are bands they will like. The brief description will entice the audience to want to read that article and know more about what they are saying.
-Plug: the plug I have used on this page of mentioning a contest will appeal to the audience because they will want to see if they have won.

-Article: the article is the main piece on this page. It is basically what the target audience bought the magazine for, so it too must appeal to the reader. To achieve this I have really tried to create humour in the interview which will make it more entertaining for the reader. Also the 'exclusive' new information provided in the interview will appeal to the reader because they will want to know and enjoy knowing about their favourite artist's life, as it will allow them to feel closer to them and possibly relate to them more. Also it will allow them to feel knowledgable and cool if they know things about new band that others don't.

-Pull quote: exemplifying an inspirational quote will really appeal to an audience because it's the first thing they'll see and then they'll want to read more. Also it will help them to relate to the featured artist and look up to them, if they agree.
-Images: the multiple, pretty images will attract the reader because the artist they like will look perfect, as they ideally want them to look. 

1 comment:

  1. Sarah, I think you need to add depth to your analysis for this section. Explore how you want your target audience to feel when they see your featured artist, what their thoughts would be when reading your article etc..
