Wednesday, 5 January 2011

Magazine Title

For the title of my magazine I really feel the convention of using only one word is best as it means it would be more catchy and therefore more rememberable for the reader.

Initially I thought a musical term would be appropriate with some sort of rock link as that is the genre I have chosen. The words I think would be good are Encore, Snare,  Plectrum, Crash and Shred. Another idea for my magazine title was to use a term from geological rock to make the title a pun. If I were to do this I would need to find a suitable cross-over word that can be identified with rock music. The words I have found that I feel do both of these are Vein, Petrified and Molten. Out of all these examples I think a musical word would be best and my two final choices are Plectrum and Snare as they are very related to the genre and very important within it as they are key kit for any rock band.

After considering both words as a magazine title and asking for opinions I feel Snare is the best word. I think this because it is a very recognisable word within the music world and particularly the rock word, I also think it has a good ring to it. It isn't a very obvious word which makes it seem more unique.

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